Community Garden Sponsored by St. Peter Claver Parish
2024 Community Garden News:
St, Peter Claver Community Garden Update (7/4/24)
Lettuce, beets, hot peppers, kale, and collard greens are all ready for harvest. Please share these with whoever would enjoy them. Bush and pole beans, zucchini, yellow squash, and cucumbers all have blossoms that should produce fruit this week or next. Blackberries are ripening and will be ready for harvest soon. There will be an abundant number of grapes this season. Does anyone know how to make grape jelly? Thank you to all who donate their time, talent, and treasure to make the garden available to the Fairfield community.
• Thank you for your special collection support to fund the expenses of the community garden. We will be able to complete rebuilding the remaining boxes and purchase the topsoil, compost, straw, and plants for this year’s harvest!
Liz Hoffman
The Community Garden was established by the parish social justice ministry in 2011 as an outreach to the surrounding Fairfield community. It is located directly across the street from the church on the corner of 9th Ave. and 15th St. Fresh fruits and vegetables are provided at no cost to the residents of what had been identified as a “food desert.”
The garden has twelve 3-foot-tall beds and ten 1-foot-tall beds. The taller beds have a ledge that can serve as a seat while harvesting or weeding.
While a team of parish and community volunteers plant and maintain the garden, the produce is free for anyone to harvest and enjoy. The only request is that each person picks only what can be eaten that day and that the rest can be left for others. A message board communicates what is ready to harvest at various times during the growing season. Each planter has a sign describing what is planted in the box and what the produce will look like when it is ready for harvest.
The St. Peter Claver parish community is honored by the dedicated volunteers who maintain the garden for the benefit of the Fairfield community. Further information about volunteering or harvesting in the garden can be obtained by calling the garden coordinator at (304) 315-2695.
2024 Community Garden Stewards
Sunday |
Monday |
April, Sara, and Helen |
Tuesday |
Liz D, Shelley, and Grace |
Wednesday |
Jeannie and Steve |
Thursday |
Clarence and the Hensley family |
Friday |
Henderson and Luke |
Saturday |
Crop Examples
August 6, 2023 Update
2023 Community Garden Planting
2023 Community Garden Clean-up
2023 Community Garden Planter Box Rebuilding